Half-Life 3 annonsering?

Half-Life 3 annonsering?

Skrivet av jonte91n den 15 april 2011 kl 10:02

Som en del av den massiva potato-pack-propagandan för Portal 2 så har GlaDOS hört av sig flera gånger. Men nu har även en tredje part lagt sig i. Kan detta vara G-man. Lägg märke till de sista raderna som liknar slutet av Half-Life 2.

"Dear Reader,

I underestimated you. You have, for want of a better word, surprised me.

Congratulations are in order. I am glad to see you have uncovered the meaning of the word you found embedded inside the map of the major metropolis.

Using this word you have blazed a trail forwards that not even my research was able to uncover.

I thank you for your hard work. May you eventually find freedom from SHE whom we both fear.

Please note, some of you are too fixated on the spelling of the word 'clew'. It may be that the way I spell 'clew' is indeed a clue, but not the kind you think.

Again, congratulations. You have somewhat redeemed yourselves in your own eyes. Only time will tell if you have redeemed yourselves in mine.

From what I can see, you have little more use for my guidance. Thus, until we meet again - this is where I get off. (samma line som i slutet av HF2!)

He Who Watches From The Beginning"

HOPPAS HOPPAS HOPPAS!!! Kanske är det detta som Aparture Sciene countdownklocka syftar på och inte en tidigare release av Portal 2!!
18:00 i kväll vet vi.