
Cabin in the Woods: The Game

Skrivet av Petter den 27 september 2012 kl 11:44

Oväntat och olyckligt. The Cabin in the Woods var på god väg att bli spel. Valve arbetade tydligen på en Left 4 Dead 2-expansion med samma namn som filmen. Men spelet lades ned, trist nog. Regissören Drew Goddard har pratat lite om det nedlagda spelprojektet:

"The game was gonna be amazing. You were gonna be able to play in both the upstairs Cabin in the Woods world and the downstairs facility world with all the monsters. Believe me, I really hate all video games based on movies, they always suck, but porting Cabin in the Woods into Left 4 Dead felt like the right fit. It pains me that it didn't happen!"

Cabin in the Woods: The Game

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