
Spielbergs Star Wars-miljoner

Skrivet av Petter den 16 maj 2013 kl 11:09

Rolig anekdot som jag inte kände till: Spielberg har tjänat hundratals miljoner på Star Wars. Hur det kan komma sig? Läs detta utdrag från en nygjord intervju med Hajen-regissören.

George came back from Star Wars a nervous wreck. He didn't feel Star Wars came up to the vision he initially had. He felt he had just made this little kids' movie. He came to Mobile, Alabama where I was shooting Close Encounters on this humongous set, and hung out with me for a couple of days.

He said, "Oh my God, your movie is going to be so much more successful than Star Wars. This is gonna be the biggest hit of all time". He said, "You want to trade some points? I'll give you two and a half per cent of Star Wars if you give me two and a half per cent of Close Encounters. I said, "Sure, I'll gamble with that, great." Close Encounters made so much money and rescued Columbia from bankruptcy. It was the most money I ever made, but it was a meager success story. Star Wars was a phenomenon and I was the happy beneficiary of a couple of points from that movie which I am still seeing money on today.

Spielbergs Star Wars-miljoner

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