
Trubbel för Thor 2

Skrivet av Petter den 31 maj 2013 kl 11:39

Marvel är arga, kompositören har hoppat av, en av assistenterna berättar för Deadline News att filmen är ett "vrak" och regissören vägrar klippa bort de 30 minuter som Marvel Studios inte vill ha med i den slutgiltiga versionen. Nej, det går inget vidare för Thor: The Dark World. Inget vidare alls. Såhär låter det från inside-källor:

Taylor Was apparently butting heads with [Marvel President Kevin Feige] over the run time and final edit. Taylor wants the film to be 2 and a half hours, Marvel says he's contracted to give them a 2 hour film and he's breaching his contract. He hasn't been fired but editing has stopped for two weeks while both parties take some time to cool off before a mediator will be brought in the middle of June. Bottom line is that the film is only 5 months from release and a decision is going to have to be made soon especially if re-shoots are required.

Trubbel för Thor 2

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