
Affleck pratar nya Batman

Skrivet av Petter den 26 oktober 2013 kl 09:15

Det ska bli spännande och se vad som sker i framtiden rörande Batman. Som vi alla vet är det Ben Affleck som axlat latexmanteln från Christian Bale och i en nygjord intervju pratar han lite om sin initiala skepsis rörande rollen som DC Comics mustigaste serietomte.

Initially I was reluctant as I felt I didn't fit the traditional mold but once Zack showed me the concept, and that it would be both different from the great movies that Chris and Christian made but still in keeping with tradition I was excited. Doing something different and new is always tricky and part of the thrill and the risk is that initially it confounds expectations. The truth is, it's the movie and the execution of it is what all the actors depend on and I believe in Zack's vision.

Affleck pratar nya Batman