

Här inne pratar vi bara om spel.

Fable III (Officiella)

Citerar Gamerman1:
Okej, jag tror att dem inte kommer att ändra något.

Okej, du har fel. Läs på lite mer om Fable 3. Du kommer att få spela som kung.
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Citerar Costae Cavea:
Okej, du har fel. Läs på lite mer om Fable 3. Du kommer att få spela som kung.

Alltså du förstår nog inte riktigt vad jag menar. Enligt mig så hade Fable II en hel del fel och det är ett rätt så tunt RPG. Men istället för att fixa felen, så tror jag att dem bara bygger på med att man kan spela kung och allt det nya som kommer. Men det fanns mycket brister i 2:an som jag inte tror de kommer göra något åt.
"You hear about the Chinese godfather? He made them an offer they couldn't understand."
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Citerar Gamerman1:
Men istället för att fixa felen, så tror jag att dem bara bygger på med att man kan spela kung och allt det nya som kommer.

Vad var ett av dessa felen menar du? Varför skulle de inte försöka förbättra det som var? Vilken uppföljare har inte gjort det?
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  • Phip
  • Phip
Citerar Costae Cavea:
Citerar Gamerman1:Men istället för att fixa felen, så tror jag att dem bara bygger på med att man kan spela kung och allt det nya som kommer.

Vad var ett av dessa felen menar du? Varför skulle de inte försöka förbättra det som var? Vilken uppföljare har inte gjort det?

Fable II hade mycket brister och jag tror heller inte att de kommer fixa fel som Fable II hade. Typ som att kunna "prata" med NPC's och istället inte peka och vifta med armarna. Också fixa en friare värld. De var några exempel.

Istället lägger de nog på att man kan göra andra saker istället för saker som jag tycker att de krävs att de ändrar.
"In this world, nothing is certain but death and taxes."
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"Cries and screams are music to my ears."
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  • Phip
  • Phip
Citerar Truesk8er:
You can do anything!

Haha, Störtskönt.
"In this world, nothing is certain but death and taxes."
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Citerar Truesk8er:
You can do anything!

Per Aspera Ad Astra
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Men fan det är för tidigt! Fable II var sjukt bra förutom längden. Men det är för tidigt för en trea om det ens ska kunna bli lika bra som tvåan och ettan. Det måste gå lite tid, måste göras en jävla massa finslipande.

Och jag vill inte vara nån jävla kung! Gillar inte att ha ledarroller och kung... vafan. Jag vill vara en ensamvarg som kämpar mig igenom världen och bygger upp mitt liv. Inte styra och ställa som nån rik nisse.

Men... jag kommer köpa det. Och jag kommer gilla det. Frågan är hur mycket.
Live in your world, we'll play in ours | May the Innovation be with you...
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fable 1 var ett spel som helt fall mig i smaken , jag gillade det väldigt mycket och jag körde ut det många gånger , det var jue såå najs!
sen när 2an kom så köpte jag det så snabbt som möjligt , limited edition o allt.
och jag gillade det blint , jag körde stenhårt i så mycket jag kunde, sen efter jag klarat main storyn och andades ut, så insåg jag att jag har överskattat det.
armor systemet lr rättare sagt kläd systemet har ingen function än att vara ytligt , så man kan lika gärna springa runt naken och vara lika stark och tåla lika mkt. storyn e det värsta , den e hemsk, karaktärerne e tråkiga , och inga cinematics , lr cutscenes under storyn alls , det e ett fattigt spel , som skapades utan nån respect för spelare och utan nån form utan av talang.
strids systemet e basic och helt ok, men inget spec och det blir enkelt repetivt, och magi systemet e mindre och bantat jämnfört med i ettan. vilket gör dte skit tråkigt
man kan inte dö få ärr någonstans på sin kropp men vem fan bryr sig?
spelet e så off topic att det skakar om det , peter monelyx lr vad fan han heter vet inte någonting om bra spel , jag hatar alla han intervjuer och han framförallt e en total douchebag... fable 2 och kommande fable 3 sänker ner fable 1 så hårt
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  • Phip
  • Phip
Citerar Murdoc:
Och jag vill inte vara nån jävla kung! Gillar inte att ha ledarroller och kung... vafan.

Du är ju bara Kung i andra halvan av spelet. I början så spelar du som någon sorts rebell. Man vet ju inte riktigt hur det kommer att vara. Men själv så tror jag det blir kul att spela som Kung och få bestämma lite. Jag tycker dock de kunde väntat med det och finslipat. Spelen kommer på rullband nu för tiden.
"In this world, nothing is certain but death and taxes."
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Tycker att Albion ska vara ännu större i 3:an. I de två förra spelen kändes Albion lite... för litet på något sätt, men ändå stort. I Fable III vill jag se över 50 skogar och över 30 städer!
Att vara? Eller icke vara? Det är frågan!
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Har spelat ettan hela natten/morgonen, underbart spel, på alla sätt och vis. Tvåan var tråkig, fast var dugligt. Värt en femhundring, men inte i närheten av ettan.
Prying open my third eye.
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  • kraz
  • kraz
Hm, ska Peter Molyneux lova guld och gröna skogar som vanligt?
Jag tycke att Fable 2 var en enorm besvikelse, och 3an ser inte ut att bli mycket bättre. Men vi får väl se.
triangles are my favourite shape, three points where two lines meet. toe to toe, back to back, let's go, my love it's very late. till' morning comes, mmm, let's tessellate.
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  • Phip
  • Phip
Citerar Darthinator:
Tycker att Albion ska vara ännu större i 3:an. I de två förra spelen kändes Albion lite... för litet på något sätt, men ändå stort. I Fable III vill jag se över 50 skogar och över 30 städer!

Jag tycker att världen är så liten. Det är ju ingenting jämfört med Oblivion. Sedan gillar jag inte att man nästan måste följa en väg hela tiden.
"In this world, nothing is certain but death and taxes."
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Citerar Phip:
Det är ju ingenting jämfört med Oblivion.

Oblivions värld är dock stentråkig. ^^
Prying open my third eye.
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  • Phip
  • Phip
Citerar Andolini:
Citerar Phip: Det är ju ingenting jämfört med Oblivion.

Oblivions värld är dock stentråkig. ^^

Jo visst. Allt ser ju ungefär likadant ut, fast världen är ju enorm. Albion däremot är ju bara en liten håla.
"In this world, nothing is certain but death and taxes."
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Citerar Phip:
Jo visst. Allt ser ju ungefär likadant ut, fast världen är ju enorm. Albion däremot är ju bara en liten håla.

En liten håla med spelvärldens bästa atmosfär och stora miljöombyten. Tar den typ utav värld istället för en enorm trist värld.
Even if one's head were to be suddenly cut off, he should be able to do one more action with certainty - Ghost Dog
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Word. Men jag gillar stora realistiska ytor också.

Citerar Phip:
Du är ju bara Kung i andra halvan av spelet.

Live in your world, we'll play in ours | May the Innovation be with you...
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Atmosfären i Fable 2 var kul. Människor som förförljde mig på gatan, en hund som grävde upp skräp ur marken, en gubbe som gav mig konstiga uppdrag och en fru som alltid klagade på att jag var borta för mycket.

Hoppas att 3:an har en ännu bättre atmosfär.
Att vara? Eller icke vara? Det är frågan!
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vilka konsoler finns detta till?
bara xbox?
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  • Phip
  • Phip
Citerar vicke231:
vilka konsoler finns detta till?
bara xbox?

Ja, bara till 360, om inte något jättedramtiskt händer.
"In this world, nothing is certain but death and taxes."
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Spelade Fable när det begav sig (2004) och nu för en vecka sedan köpte jag det via XBL. Visst, grafiken känns gammal och spelet i sig väldigt linjärt. Kommer själv ihåg att jag blev besviken på det vid release, hade förväntat mig otroligt mycket av Peter. Det "fria" spelet som man hade blivit lovad hittade jag ingenstans. Däremot inte sagt att det var bra, men besvikelsen var så stor att jag hade svårt att njuta fullt ut.

Pga. det så skippade jag tvåan helt, men nu när trean utannonserats tycker jag ändå att jag borde ge serien en till chans. Ska därför inhandla tvåan och se hur det ter sig. Om jag köper Fable 3 beror det alltså helt och hållet på hur bra tvåan är.

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Earlier today, while attending Microsoft's X10 event in San Francisco, we had an opportunity to meet with Peter Molyneux and spend between 20 and 30 minutes checking out Fable III. As we watched the game being played, Molyneux pointed out a number of key new features. While there are clearly still a lot of things that aren't being talked about yet, we came away from the presentation feeling like Molyneux's claims that this is going to represent a huge step forward over Fable II are well founded.

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The first portion of the demo took place in a city where Molyneux's character was walking around looking for his young daughter and showing off some already-impressive visuals in the process. As he strolled across a bridge, he spotted the daughter playing with some of her young friends and being watched intently by another member of the family: the dog. As he approached the group, the daughter's friends ran away, and--perhaps as a result--the young girl became quite upset. How does a father comfort and cheer up his daughter in a situation like this one? Well, in Fable II, you might have resorted to dancing in front of her. Relentlessly. But in Fable III, emotes like that one are being replaced by touch and mapped to a single, context-sensitive trigger button.

Using said button, he bent down to pick up his daughter and proceeded to play with her--tossing her up and down until her sobbing gave way to girlish giggles. Then, using the same button, he gently reached for her hand and walked her down the street with the dog following dutifully behind. Molyneux appeared to contemplate popping into a pub at one point, but his daughter was quick to point out that he really shouldn't do that with her in tow. Next, we were shown how the touch command will work with a very different character who, on this occasion, was a beggar asking for money. Appearing sympathetic to the man's plight, Molyneux took his hand and started walking him through the town--perhaps to buy him a hearty meal or some new clothes. The beggar was clearly familiar with the way that Molyneux plays these games, though, (or perhaps just with the layout of the town) because not a minute into the walk, he started protesting and doing everything he could to resist being pulled along. Molyneux's plan, as it turned out, was to sell the beggar to a factory--whether the beggar was going to be put to work there or turned into an affordable meat product wasn't clear, but he was clearly opposed to the idea either way. Other uses for touch, we're told, will include guiding children to schools or orphanages, picking up someone who's injured to rescue him or her, and greeting people with gestures that are appropriate for your relationship with them. A handshake used the first time you meet someone might be replaced with a hug as you become better acquainted with them, for example.

And why exactly should you want to spend your time getting to know people and being nice to them? Well, because you'll need their help if you're to stand any chance of overthrowing the evil king. Followers will be an important consideration in Fable III, both prior to when you become king and during your reign on the throne. And, there will be a number of ways to gain their loyalty. One of the more interesting examples we were given, for example, involved wooing a powerful woman who had plenty of her own followers to make them your own. Other characters will be more easily pleased and might simply be impressed by your prowess in combat.

Hero and daughter share a touching moment.
Based on what little combat we saw in Fable III today, it seems that it'll play out in much the same way as it did in Fable II, with buttons devoted to magic use, projectile weapons, and melee weapons. Molyneux hinted that there will be some improvements, but what he was most excited to talk about was the way that weapons will work. Molyneux's hope is that no two weapons in Fable III will be the same because--like your character--they'll morph based on your actions and even your gamerscore. The most obvious way that weapons will transform is that they'll grow bigger and more powerful the more you use them, but there's much more to it than that. The visual style of your weapon will change quite radically according to how you use it. So to give you the examples that we got to see for ourselves today, the head of a large axe that has presumably been used to kill a lot of skeletons or beasts appears to be made of bones, while a sword that has been used to commit evil acts, such as killing innocents, will forever appear to be covered in blood. And if you're still not excited, perhaps hearing that you'll be able to trade your unique (or at the very least, uniquely named) weapons with other players online might do the trick.

Tillagt 2010-03-14 22:22:
As you progress through the story, there will apparently be a number of occasions where you're encouraged to give up your unique weapons--perhaps for financial gain or some other temptation. Molyneux's hope, though, it seems, is that you'll feel so attached to your weapons--which you'll ultimately be able to store in your own armory--that you'll be reluctant to give them up. And perhaps you should be reluctant because while they will grow more powerful as you progress through the game, it's not yet clear if the same will be true of your character. All we know for sure is that experience points are a thing of the past, along with your health bar and anything else that resembles a heads-up display.

You know what else will be a thing of the past? Having to play co-op as some generic character that is of absolutely no interest to you. That's right, in Fable III, you'll be able to play co-operatively with a friend, and both of you will get to use your own characters, work on improving your own weapons, and even bring along your own dogs. Molyneux also pointed out that you'll be able to use the touch command with each other, but we chose not to pursue that potential line of questioning. This was partly because the character that we were seeing on the screen didn't really look like one we'd ever want to touch.

This character, which we watched battling against generic bad guys inside an impressively detailed cavern of some sort, was far and away the most evil looking that we've seen in a Fable game. Glowing red markings on his dark skin were somewhat reminiscent of those on Illidan from World of Warcraft or Devil Jin from the Tekken series. And that idea was reinforced when, during combat, he appeared to sprout horns and wings. Said appendages didn't appear to be parts of the character's physical form but rather translucent visual motifs that served no obvious purpose other than to look really cool. For characters at the opposite end of the good-and-evil scale, these demonic visuals will be replaced with angelic ones. This was evidenced by a video clip we saw showing a character that appeared to have large white feathered wings.

It's not money that the guy in tow is begging for now.
Before our time with Molyneux and Fable III came to an end, we were told that becoming king in the game will unlock at least two major new gameplay elements that--for the moment--aren't being shown. We were given a brief outline of what one of them will be, though, and the gist is essentially that with great power comes great responsibility. As king, you'll have access to a huge treasury, and having spent time on the streets gaining and getting to know your followers previously, you'll find yourself having to make difficult decisions when it comes to putting all of that gold to work. You might not want your people to starve, for example, but what if the money that's needed to feed them is also needed to assemble an army so that you can defend them? Unlike some of the choices in previous games from developer Lionhead Studios, these are unlikely to be black and white. You'll still be able to wander around your kingdom after ascending to the throne, and mechanics like combat and touching will still be a big part of the game. We were told that if you're confronted by someone badmouthing you in the street, for example, you could take him by the hand and choose to either throw him to the ground or, if you have something you're feeling guilty about or would just like kept quiet, lead him to your treasury and offer him a bribe to keep quiet.

During the brief question-and-answer session that followed the demo, Molyneux mentioned the existence of a second continent named Arora. And, on the subject of Natal support, he stated that Fable III is being designed for the regular Xbox 360 controller first and foremost, but that some Natal surprises are coming. We look forward to bringing you more information on Fable III, Natal, and player characters being able to "touch" each other cooperatively as soon as it becomes available.
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