Call of Duty: Ghosts

Call of Duty: Ghosts kommer att vara känslosamt

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Call of Duty-serien är många saker och åsikterna är väldigt skilda. Men något serien kanske inte är känd för att vara är det känslosam. Det är något Infinity Ward vill ändra på med det kommande Call of Duty: Ghosts, berättar producenten Mark Rubin för GI International.

Berättelsen i spelet är skriven av Hollywood-författaren Stephen Gaghan och istället för att hoppa fram och tillbaka mellan flera olika huvudkaraktärer som man gjort förut i serien fokuseras handlingen den här gången på två bröder och hunden Riley. Tanken är att detta ska göra handlingen lite mer personlig.

"We're really trying to push - paying attention to just those two guys the whole story through and their emotional story and have the world have an emotional impact on it."

Om just hunden berättar Rubin:

"We actually didn't make that big of a deal about the dog - it was just in a trailer and all of a sudden the internet blew up and made the dog became this sensation... People are so in love with the dog. They're already emotionally invested. It's amazing how many Twitter messages I get saying - in all caps - if you guys kill the dog, I will never play another...and I'm like, ooh, you're emotionally attached."

Rubin berättar också lite om hur Stephen Gaghan upplever det att skriva manus för ett spel där huvudkaraktären aldrig pratar eller syns i bild kontra hur det är i filmindustrin.

"[Steve] is really looking at this in a way that I've never seen a Hollywood writer look at it. He looks at writing for a game as an amazing chance at an artistic challenge as a writer. One of the things he described was... he goes, ‘As a writer, this is like art film. Basically, think about it. Your main character, your main star of your movie, is never seen and never talks. And so you have to craft a story that deals with that.'"

"Think about it. If you took a game, our game, and you put it into a film where the main character never talked, never spoke, you never saw him - it would be like one of those black and white crazy French films. So he really loves the challenge of it and he's been really engaged with everything. There's a disconnect between Hollywood and the game industry. They have two different languages. And they haven't in the past talked very well. And I think that's changing."

Call of Duty: Ghosts släpps den 11 november.

Call of Duty: Ghosts

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