The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD

Zelda: Wind Waker HD utvecklades på sex månader

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Det gick tydligen undan när Nintendo utvecklade Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD. 4 Gamer har fått sig en pratstund med Zelda-producenten Eji Aonuma som låter avslöja att det bara tog sex ynka månader. Därmed inte sagt att det saknades utmaningar dock. Angående varför man alls valde att göra en HD-remake svarar Aonuma:

"It takes a long time to develop a brand new game, so I thought it would be a shame to not have a Zelda game on the Wii U for a while. So I felt like it would be best to deliver something that can be done quickly and began work on the HD version."

Aonuma fortsätter:

"With the original release of Wind Waker, the first half of the game was well received, the later portion on the other hand, needed to be re-evaluated. That was my first time in control of the direction of the game and designing a game from scratch, there were some portions that I wanted to expand upon. If a remake were to happen, I believed I could work on some of those portions."

Vad det gäller utvecklingstiden så gick det som sagt undan, men det var ändå saker som inte var så enkla:

"It took about 6 months. Development was still difficult. You had to consider the difference in hardware at the time. Additionally there is a technique known as toon shading, which gives the game a very animated look. At that time, the technique was established, but had not be used before by our staff, everyone had to do everything by hand."

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD

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