Battlefield 4

Dice övervägde att försena nästa generations Battlefield 4

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Battlefield 4 släpps som bekant till PC, Playstation 3 och Xbox 360 samt nästa generations konsoler om tolv dagar. Men det var inte alls någon självklarhet att det skulle bli så och Dice övervägde att försena spelet till Playstation 4 och Xbox One.

Det berättar spelets lead producer Patrick Bach i en intervju med Games Industry. Han berättar bland annat hur svårt det är att utveckla spel till konsoler som också är under utveckling:

"Well we've been very aggressive with Battlefield 4 in that we want to be out at launch with the next gen consoles. I think people might not grasp how hard that is, to develop a game at the same time as the hardware."

"We've been struggling quite a lot to keep up with the changes we've seen - both sides need to adapt and you end up being late. Everything is very complicated. Battlefield itself is a really complicated game, so it doesn't make our lives any easier."

Bach förklarar mer om vilken utmaning det är: "So we knew we'd set ourselves a tough challenge, but people on the outside seem to think that because there are going to be launch titles, it's easy. What are we spending all our time doing? They don't understand how hard it is!"

Därför har Bach full förståelse för Ubisofts Watch Dogs-försening: "Talking about Watch Dogs, I don't blame them, there are times when we've considered doing the same thing - luckily we've overcome those hurdles and thought about what the game actually is on the next gen. We've had an excellent team working that out at the same time as the game itself, which is a big struggle. We can see that a lot of the next gen games coming are, arguably, lesser when it comes to the scope of features because of this problem".

Battlefield 4 släpps den 31 oktober - och som tur är även till nästa generations konsoler.

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