Assassin's Creed: Unity

Assassin's Creed: Unity försenas två veckor

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Ubisoft låter meddela att de tvingas försena premiären av Assassin's Creed: Unity några veckor, från den 28 oktober till 13 november. Senior producer Vincent Pontbriand skriver:

"...that's two weeks after the previously announced release date. But along with big ambition - and even bigger promises - comes a lot of heavy lifting. "This being a fully next-gen game, it requires a lot of work, a lot of production, and a lot of learnin. It's always hard to be precise and to quantify exactly how much work is involved. So as we get close to the finish we often realize we're near the target but we're not quite there yet."

Denna ändå ganska hanterbara försening handlar enligt Ubisoft även om vem som egentligen äger spelet och ansvaret gentemot både spelare och utvecklare:

"Making games is not a precise science. It's a leap of faith. There's a good level of subjectivity and creativity. We have a bunch of us who have spent two, three years or more on this project. It's a huge personal investment. People have been truly dedicated to this game. For them it's also important to make a game that they can be proud of." That's why the team will continue to toil even beyond the ship date - right up to actual release - building a Day 1 patch that offers even more improvements to Unity."

Det verkar alltså ha varit rejält bråda dagar för teamet bakom spelet och vi hoppas att detta resulterar i att vi slipper en lika skakig lansering som när Assassin's Creed III hade premiär.

Assassin's Creed: Unity

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Assassin's Creed: Unity

RECENSION. Skrivet av Carl Brännström

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