
Sista Titanfall-banan avslöjad av Respawn

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Respawn har sedan tidigare presenterat två av de nya banorna som kommer finnas med i det tredje och tydligen sista DLC-paket (med banor) till Titanfall, nämligen IMC Rising. Igår visade de även upp den sista av dem, Sand Trap. Såhär beskrivs den av Respawns game designer Chris Dionne på deras hemsida:

"One of my main goals with Sand Trap was to use old ideas in new ways. In the center is a buried bunker inspired by the buried architecture in Fracture; this lets Titans stomp around above while pilots scurry below. Across the map are deep trenches that create a well-run highway for pilots; inspired by wall running in Rise they give quick and (relatively) safe routes across the map.

But a new map is also a chance to create different (and hopefully exciting) gameplay. By having a trench network that pilots can use to cross the level, the surface can be left very sparse. This lets Titans dominate on the dunes and creates interesting battles as they crest the hills, often lining up to rain down death on the other side. Pilots shouldn't have it too easy though, so the trenches have an open bottom that drops into reservoirs of unrefined fuel - instant death by goo!"

Den första Sand Trap-bilden hittar du här nedan, men något mer exakt datum för när IMC Rising släpps har vi inte, annat än att det ska ske i höst.


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