Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Square hjälper till med Deus Ex 3

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Square Enix kommer att hjälpa till med Deus Ex 3:s filmsekvenser, detta har Eidos Stephane D'Astous berättat för Edge. En uppgift så inspirerande, tydligen, att Square-snubbarna dessutom vill arbeta med Thief 4.

"The cinematics - by which I mean any CGI pre-rendered cinematics - are going to be done in Tokyo by Square Enix, and that's going to be amazing," berättar D'Astous.

"The people in Tokyo are just so glad to work on it. This is the first project for them that's a non-Final Fantasy title - they even want to work on Thief 4 too, so everyone is really excited", tillägger Eidos-mannen.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

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