Call of Duty: Black Ops 3

Black Ops 3 innehåller spelseriens mest invecklade story

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Call of Duty har vanligtvis ingen särskilt invecklad story även om mängden tjattrig militärlingo som sker i mellansekvenser och under tiden som spelen laddar kan vara övermäktig för den som inte håller öron och ögon öppna. Nu har dock Treyarchs studiochef och spelseriens nya högstehöns Mark Lamia berättar för spelsiten Polygon att storyn i Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 är den mest invecklade, på kostade och detaljerade någonsin för Call of Duty som spelserie.

"We create a very rich fiction. We look at Black Ops 2 and say,‘OK, these drone strikes in 2025 occurred. What happens next in the world?,. We have a detailed wiki-like thing in the game. You might remember. You could hack into the computer in Black Ops. It's in your safe house. It's in your safe house. We have detailed out the world. We have a full history of where the EU goes. It's our fiction, but it's as we have projected it out, literally, in more detail than we've ever done."

"How do we come up with these settings? We literally just did our research and project out. We're fortunate to have experts we can talk to. We've become futurist experts ourselves, living in this subject matter for so long. That's going to be there for the player. It's important."

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 släpps till PC, PS4 och Xbox One den 6 november. Tack, Polygon!

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3

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