Fallout 4

Bethesda kan inte göra fler Pip-Boy Edition av Fallout 4

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Om du fortfarande inte bokat dig en Pip-Boy Edition av Fallout 4 - utannonserades under E3-mässan - så har vi tyvärr dåliga nyheter: Bethesda kommer inte att producera några fler. Detta har berkräftats av självast Bethesda-bossen Pete Hines på QuakeCon i Texas.

Orsaken är enligt Hines att fabriken som gjort enheterna inte har "capacity to make more of them".

Han utvecklar och säger:

"We reached a point where we'd go back to the factories and they were like, 'guys, this is it, sorry. This is as long as we can run the lines and as many of them as we can make.

They're being made today, it's not like they're done and sitting in a warehouse. [The factories would tell us,] this is what the yields say. I mean, we don't make [the Pip-Boy Editions], and we'd go back to [the factories] and say, 'Demand for this is insane, we've got to make more.' And they'd move other projects off or shift stuff to other factories and it just came to [them telling Bethesda], 'Final answer: sorry, this is as many as we can make.' And we sold every single one of those that we could."

Bethesda hade räknat med en stor efterfrågan av denna samlarutgåva, men trots det har intresset överträffat förväntan och tillgången:

"We made a s**tload of Pip-Boys, and we went back and made more, and went back and made more. I keep seeing stuff about, 'Oh, you only did a few thousand." No--we did a ton of these things. I think we did more of these things than we did for any collector's edition we've ever done, ever."

Fallout 4 (med eller utan Pip-Boy) släpps den 10 november till PC, Playstation 4 och Xbox One. De som förhandsbokat till Xbox One får även Fallout 3 på köpet. Microsoft har även jobbat med Bethesda kring Fallout 4 så Xbox One-versionen kommer att kunna köra moddar gjorda för PC.

Fallout 4

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