
Sista Destiny-patchen till PS3 och Xbox 360 ute nu

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Destiny hauppdaterades sent igår till version 2.3.1, och det innebär på flera sätt också ett lite vemodigt farväl till trotjänarna Playstation 3 och Xbox 360. Detta är nämligen den sista ordentliga patchen som kommer släppas till dessa båda format. Bungie skriver dock att så kallade "game-breaking issues" kan komma att få "emergency fixes".

Här är alla nyheter i patch 2.3.1:

• Fixed an issue where Solar-based Damage-Over-Time (DoT) effects were dealing half their intended damage
• Fixed an issue where the Intellect stat was not generating the correct amount of Super energy
• Fixed an issue where selecting the Electrostatic Mind perk removed the Super regeneration provided by the Intellect stat

• Exotics: Fixed an issue that prevented the Apotheosis Veil helmet from being accessible in the Exotic Armor Blueprints kiosk

• Fixed an issue that could cause weekly activities from ending earlier than the weekly reset
• Fixed an issue that prevented Legendary Marks from being granted when finishing the "Paradox" and "Lost to Light" missions when they are the featured Daily Story Mission
• Fixed an issue where players with a full Postmaster inventory did not receive the Moments of Triumph book
• Players who did not receive their Moments of Triumph book can now find it in the Postmaster


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