
Gunn mottog kritik från fans över filmversionen av Yondu

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Filmerna av Guardians of the Galaxy skiljer sig en hel del jämfört med serieförlagan. Både sett till utseenden och karaktärer. Något James Gunn, regissören av filmerna, däremot inte räknade med var att vissa fans inte skulle uppskatta delar av Yondu. För att vara mer specifik handlade det om hans fena som de inte ansåg vara stor nog.

Yondu became a space pirate, and not a sort of Native American-inspired spiritual warrior that he is in the comics, but people very rarely get upset about any of that. It seemed like the one thing that people got upset about was Yondu's small fin. They somehow thought it was important that Yondu had a big fin. I don't understand what comics fans get upset about over something else they don't get upset about. That something so physical and small would be the thing they'd get upset about, but they did -- and in a nod to the fans, who I'm appreciative towards, we gave them the big fin.

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Gunn mottog kritik från fans över filmversionen av Yondu

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