Det har diskuterats vad Activision som utgivare kommer att ha för inverkan på From Softwares kommande Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Samtidigt som det lovas att Activision respekterar visionen och tillåter From Software att skapa precis det spel de önskar, kan man inte undvika att spekulera. I en intervju med Eurogamer avslöjar skaparen Hidetaka Miyazaki en av de fördelarna som finns med att samarbeta med Activision: de ser till att spelet får en lättförstådd tutorial; något som Miyazaki själv anser att de varit dåliga på tidigare.
"Miyazaki also speaks positively about From's collaboration with Activision and adapting to the publisher's culture. He had broached this subject before with Japanese media, speaking briefly about adopting the publisher's 'onboarding process,' and calling it and the need for 'comfort' a weakness of From Software. We asked him for clarification, did he mean player comfort here? Does this mean Sekiro will take more time to explain its systems to players? "Yes, the tutorial is one aspect of that, which we are getting some much-needed support with," he said. "And it also depends on that level of comfort and playability that comes with the rest of the game. These things generally aren't our forte, but we do need some support, and Activision is providing that. One reason we're working with Activision is they hold our creative vision in the highest regard. From has editorial and directive control over the game and the game's contents; after you press the start button, it's all up to the From team. That said, we do need help with some things and we are getting advice from Activision, but they do 100 percent respect our vision and they do not want to mess with that core fanbase and that core gameplay concept.""
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Hur tror du att Activision som utgivare kommer att påverka Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice?