Trenden med återutgivningar och remasters fortsätter, och den senaste i raden tycks vara Call of Duty. I en intervju med Game Informer säger Activision-chefen Eric Hirshberg att detta är något de "talk about and think about a lot."
"If done well, I think [remasters] can be great. You talk about nostalgia, and people have such connection to the games they love from the last cycle.
They want to see what it would look like if someone did it right for this cycle. It's always the opportunity cost, meaning we need every body we can get to make the content we're already committed to for our new games. It's always a matter of finding great people to do that work. I would love to play Modern Warfare 1 or the original Black Ops. There's certainly a deep well there. No announcements, but it's something we talk about and think about a lot."
Det här är såklart inget bekräftande på att det faktiskt är på väg, men för de som hoppats på att kunna spela exempelvis hela Modern Warfare-trilogin på de nya konsolerna, finns det ändå visst hopp.