Vi gillade som bekant finska Alienation som bjuder på hektisk och kulört action. Under de tre veckor som gått sedan det släpptes har Housemarque inte legat på sofflocket...
Housemarque är minst sagt upptagna nuförtiden och deras smått vansinniga, superhektiska shooter Alienation har precis nått butikshyllorna. Teamet som på daglig basis...
Finska Housemarque har idag skämt bort oss med ett nytt shoot 'em up av så kallad twin stick-modell. Det tänkte vi uppmärksamma i Gamereactor Live och Philip är på plats...
Vi visste redan att det skulle gå att välja mellan olika klasser i finska Housemarques Alienation, men har inte fått möjlighet att prova på dem. Nu visas de dock upp i ny...
Finska utvecklarna Housemarque kämpar som bäst med att färdigställa lovande Playstation 4-exklusiva Alienation för tillfället. En så kallad "twin-stick shooter" (Geometry...
Det var under förra årets Gamescom-mässa som vi först hörde talas om Alienation. För utvecklingen står Housemarque som bland annat legat bakom spel som Dead Nation, Super...
Housemarque har frälst Playstation-fans med oerhört underhållande shooters som Super Stardust HD, Dead Nation och nu senast Resogun. Men nu är det dags för ännu ett nytt...
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28
// Click event now opens the gallery view - Changed to adjust code to new modal gallery - 2023-11-28