I dagens kulturklimat känns det ofta som att komedi är en hårfin balansakt. Det finns fortfarande vassa komiker kvar, men de får extremt sällan fronta stora Hollywood-produktioner som Tropic Thunder. Komedin från 2008 betraktas ofta som en film som helt enkelt inte skulle kunna göras idag, och skådespelaren/regissören Ben Stiller håller med.
I samtal hos Collider säger Stiller:
"Obviously, in this environment, edgier comedy is just harder to do. Definitely not at the scale we made it at, too, in terms of the economics of the business. I think even at the time we were fortunate to get it made, and I credit that, actually, to Steven Spielberg and DreamWorks. He read it and was like, 'Alright, let's make this thing'.
But yeah, the idea of Robert playing that character who's playing an African American character, I mean, incredibly dicey. Even at the time, of course, it was dicey too. The only reason we attempted it was I felt like the joke was very clear in terms of who that joke was on — actors trying to do anything to win awards. But now, in this environment, I don't even know if I would have ventured to do it, to tell you the truth."
Stiller delar dessa åsikter med otaliga andra komedikoner och det verkar onekligen vara svårare att veva brett på samma sätt som tidigare eftersom uppfattningen tycks vara att ingen ska behöva känna sig träffad. Vad tror du själv, hade en film som Tropic Thunder kunnat göras även idag, eller hade projektet stoppats direkt?