
Köttätande - Rätt eller Fel?

Skrivet av T-Boy den 24 maj 2012 kl 21:37

Jag har under den senaste veckan skrivit ihop en argumenterande uppsatts där jag tar upp varför man bör äta kött. Uppgiften heter "Eat Meat VS Meat Is Murder" och är en uppgift jag fick för att avgöra vilket betyg jag får i Engelska C. Jag har tidigare under gymnasiet legat på betyget MVG, men på senare tid så har sakerna jag lämnat in inte riktigt hållt måttet (vilket jag tror beror på att jag har haft det väldigt stressigt p.g.a. sjukdom och att jag då fått jobba ikapp). Jag hoppas därför att jag med denna text kan komma upp i MVG-nivå igen inte svika mig själv genom att få sämre betyg sista terminen än jag fått på hela gymnasiet i Engelska.

Min lärare sa att uppgiften skulle vara på ca 500 ord, men nu när jag är mer eller mindre klar så vet jag inte hur jag ska korta ned det hela för att få ned det till det. Är uppe i 777 ord. Att korta ned det känns omöjligt om jag ska få med alla argument för och emot.

Nu ska jag inte skriva mer, utan låta er få läsa texten. Kritik är mer än välkommet.


There exists a long argument whether or not it's right to eat meat. Does eating meat mean murder? Are there any benefits eating meat and are there any downsides if you decide not to eat it? My personal opinion is that it's okay to eat meat, but let's start with the arguments against eating it and why some people consider it murder.

Side against it

The definition of murder is "a human taking another humans life", so in the eye of the law killing animals isn't technically murder. But what is the moral definition? For many people, killing any living and breathing creatures is immoral and should be considered a murder. That's why people feel it's wrong to kill animals, even to feed ourselves. Animals may not have the same awareness as we do and maybe they're not as smart as we are, but that doesn't mean they can't feel anything and it doesn't make it okay for us to kill them.

Another reason why some people think we shouldn't eat meat is because we raise animals just to eat them when they're fully grown and that it is a wrong and cruel thing to do. Instead they think we should eat a vegetarian diet instead since that is something we can survive on without hurting any animals. Living on only vegetables, fruits and other plant-based food our hunger can be satisfied and we can get the energy we need to continue with our day just as good as when we eat meat. Unlike what some people might think, vegetables contain many of the important substances that our body needs and those that you don't get naturally you can get from special pills and powders.

In fact, eating meat products isn't too good for your health. It can actually be dangerous to eat too much of it. Many scientists agree that consuming too much meat products can give you heart diseases, diabetes and obesity, especially if you mostly eat red meat. Instead they suggest people to eat only vegetables, so there's no reason to raise and kill animals just to feed ourselves.

Side for it

Eating meat doesn't only have downsides. It contains many of the important substances that our body needs to be able to grow, function and work every day. Some of them like vitamin D, B12 and iron cannot be found in a vegetarian diet and if you don't obtain them you can become seriously ill and maybe even catch dangerous diseases. Of course you could get those by taking vitamin pills or powder, but many scientists believe that vitamins and minerals are stronger and better if you get them naturally from food than from chemical supplements. In addition to all of the vitamins and minerals that can be found in meat, complete proteins can also only exists in meat products. Complete proteins contain all nine amino acids that our bodies use to maintain and develop muscles. If you choose the right kind of meat, it can even help you lose weight and boost your immune system, thus preventing you from catching diseases. So as long as you don't eat too much meat, you shouldn't be worried.

So where would we get meat if not from animals? People may think it's immoral to kill animals just so we can eat, but the fact is that meat contains several substances that are essential to our lives. We need to obtain those important vitamins, minerals and proteins and meat is the only way to get them naturally. So yes, we need to farm animals and eventually eat them. That's the way of life. Mankind has been hunter gatherers for thousands of years and that is why we're the supreme species. Besides, people wouldn't have started eating meat if they didn't like it. It's simply a matter of taste. Now with that being said, we should consider the way we treat animals before putting them down, and also how we put them down. They should be allowed to live and enjoy their lives and when we take them down, it should be done as painlessly as possible for the animals. If it's done like that, I see no reason to call it murder.


Eating meat has both its pros and cons. If we eat it, we obtain most of the substances we need, but if we eat too much, we're in danger of getting different kinds of diseases. But we shouldn't stop eating it, because if we make sure not to eat too much, we can keep eating it without putting our health in danger. And as far as "meat is murder" goes, putting down an animal that's lived a good life shouldn't be considered murder, because that's just the way of life.