Ett rullande (ultrakvickt) konstverk

Ett rullande (ultrakvickt) konstverk

Skrivet av Petter den 5 juli 2024 kl 23:28

Pagani Huayra är ett konstverk. Som ett väldigt invecklat, handbyggt, extremdyrt urverk format under flertalet år av en av världens främsta urmakare... På hjul, som kör ifrån det mesta med regskyltar. Jag såg ett par av dem senaste gången jag var i Dubai och var golvad varje gång, och när den nu släpps med manuell låda (!) måste jag såklart dela med mig av Paganis otroliga bilder. Snacka om urtjusig. Herrejösses...

"The client came to us with clear ideas: he wanted to create a unique example that would take the Huayra to its highest expression. Its name could only be ‘Epitome’, as the most essential embodiment of a concept, an idea, a value. He dreamed of a car with an exclusive design that would further elevate the Huayra’s performance while maintaining its innate elegance. The creation of every Grandi Complicazioni Hypercar requires close collaboration with the customers, who become the co-creators of the object they dream of. In the initial meetings, the client shared his vision with Horacio Pagani and the team, starting a journey of listening and sharing ideas in perfect harmony to transform thoughts into concrete forms. This phase lasted nine months and led to a final conceptualization, followed by ten months of design work by an expert, multidisciplinary team. It is a long and complex process because developing components dedicated to a single car requires the same time as those for series production cars. However, it is extremely stimulating because working with clients who have a clear vision of what they want allows us to face new challenges with passion and enthusiasm.» (Lorenzo Kerkoc, Head of Pagani Grandi Complicazioni)."