Det var i maj som Disney meddelade att Disney Infinity-serien skulle läggas ner och att utvecklaren skulle få stänga igen. Nu har de delat mer sig av lite mer detaljer om vad det hela kommer innebära för dig som spelar Disney Infinity. Från och med den 30 september kommer det inte längre gå att spela spelet på Android och Ios-mobiler samt på PC, däremot kommer det fortfarande gå att spela i offlineläget på konsoler. Windows 8 och 10 versionen, som av någon anledning inte räknas in bland PC, kommer stängas ner först i mars nästa år, samtidigt med Apple TV-versionen av spelet. Hela avvecklingsschemat av spelet kan du kolla in här nedan eller på spelets hemsida.
"As of today (July 29, 2016)
No in-game purchases can be made within the PC, Steam version of Disney Infinity 2.0, iOS, Google Android, Amazon Android and Apple TV versions of the game as this feature has now been removed.
You can continue to make in-game purchases within the Steam version of Disney Infinity 3.0.
As of September 30, 2016
You will no longer be able to log in to play the PC, iOS, Google Android and Amazon Android versions of Disney Infinity, these will no longer be available on the respective app stores.
The Steam versions of Disney Infinity 2.0 & 3.0 will remain operational with the exception of all online services and community features as these will be discontinued.
Apple TV versions of Disney Infinity will be removed from the AppStore.
The Disney Infinity Community team will no longer be reviewing or approving any new Toy Boxes that are submitted to Disney for all console, mobile and PC versions of the game. However if you are playing on any console, Apple TV or Windows 8/10 versions of the game, you can continue to download your favorite Toy Boxes from the Community Content section until March 3, 2017.
As of January 3, 2017
No in-game purchases can be made within the Windows 8/10 versions of the game as this feature will be removed.
As of March 3, 2017
Apple TV and Windows 8/10 versions will no longer be available, supported or playable.
All Disney Infinity online services and community features for all versions will be discontinued."
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