Under vår intervju helt nyligen med Matt Prior, producent för 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil, passade vi på att fråga honom vad de anser om att göra spel baserat på damfotboll.
"Ladies have their own World Cup, which is actually happening in Canada. Vancouver, where I am, is going to be one of the host cities, so that should be exciting. In terms of introducing that, potentially with more emphasis on the ladies, the worry with the World Cup is that it would be trampled with the World Cup; it's all about the men's game and all the rest of it, it might be eclipsed by what the World Cup tournament is."
Prior berättar att damfotboll är något EA ofta diskuterar och han berättar hur de tänker kring detta.
"But ladies football in itself is something that we often discuss here, as it is growing. There's certain key territories where it's massive. In the US they're real stars over here, the ladies team. In Canada it's big, I think in Germany it's pretty big. So it's definitely on the rise and it's something that we - time and resources allowing - would love to get in."
Däremot kommer de inte bara att ta FIFA-herrfotbollen och byta ut laguppställningarna. Prior menar att det inte är EA:s sätt att göra det på.
"One of the challenges is to do it properly though, and authenticity is key for us, it is a lot of work. It's not just a case of throwing up a female character on a male body. We do motion capture, it's all very authentic movement that we have in the game, and obviously women move differently to men, so I think if we just throw a female character on a male body, it wouldn't really look right."
Av just dessa anledningar verkar det som att det här kommer att ta ett tag att realisera. Förhoppningsvis kan det dock ändå bli av så småningom så att de som vill spela digital damfotboll ska kunna få göra det.
"If we were to do it we'd want to do it properly, and make it feel very different. Do it justice. So if you can imagine, we've got an absolute back catalogue from years and years of motion capture data. To do it, it shouldn't be underestimated. That's not to say we won't at some point, like I say, it's something we would look to do, but it is potentially a bigger undertaking than it might first seem, and if we want to do it we'd want to do it authentically, because authenticity is key for FIFA."
Intervjun med Prior kommer publiceras i sin helhet här på Gamereactor.se under veckan. Håll utkik för mer om 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil och digital fotboll i allmänhet.