Warren Spector-spelseriens moderna återkomst skedde i form av Deus Ex: Human Revolution
samt Mankind Divided och här på Gamereactor älskar vi båda spelen. Men sedan dess har det varit tyst, och studion Eidos Montreal har som vi alla vet börjat arbeta med ett Avengers-spel. Detta innebär dock inte att Deus Ex inte kommer att återvända. För enligt en nygjord intervju med Gamezindustrybiz.com "funderar" Square Eidos för fullt på hur fortsättningen ska se ut.
"What I can say is Eidos Montreal has always developed Deus Ex, and the issue is we do not have limitless resources. We have several big titles that we work with and that's partly a factor in what our lineup looks like. Of course, it would be ideal if we could work on all of them all of the time, but the fact of the matter is some titles have to wait their turn. The reason there isn't a Deus Ex right now is just a product of our development lineup because there are other titles we are working on." Länk