Dota 2

ESL One Birmingham kan inspirera brittisk esport

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Förra veckan avslöjades att Storbritannien får sin första Dota 2 Major-turnering i form av ESL One Birmingham i maj, och vi fick nyligen snacka med ESL UK:s Chief Operating Officer Rob Black om vad detta betyder för dem. Han menar att det kan vara viktigt redan idag, men även som inspiration för framtida spelare:

"I think in the last couple of years, or maybe four, five years, we've been building in the industry [...] to create a platform for players and teams to excel and become world stars, and we're just starting to see the fruits of the labour there with a few players. We had a couple of guys who won the ESL UK Premiership for League of Legends a couple of years ago that just went to Worlds last October, and I think, you know, from the UK esports point of view, having a huge, tentpole, mega event like ESL One come to Birmingham is... really it's like an inspirational piece. And really we want to be able to show gamers in the UK that this is where you can be, at the top of the game right now, and if you put in hard work then you can be a star."

Tror du event som ESL One Birmingham och Faceit Major-turneringen i Counter-Strike: Global Offensiva i september är viktiga för brittisk esport?

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Photo: ESL

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