Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition

Infiltration withdraws from CPT amid domestic abuse allegations

Panda Global has also terminated their contract with him.

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Seon-woo 'Inflitration' Lee is one of the most well-known Street Fighter players in the world, but allegations of domestic abuse have been levelled against the player, which Panda Global (the organisation he was signed for) have investigated.

Panda Global in fact uploaded the investigation and a timeline of events, which claims that Infiltration had an altercation with an unnamed woman in October last year, which was recorded in an audio file. Infiltration was also arrested during this time, and in November the woman pressed criminal charges against him.

These allegations were then exposed in late September of this year, and documents provided, which have then been passed onto Panda Global and Capcom. Panda Global have in fact also terminated their contract with Infiltration, saying they wanted to do the full research before dismissing him.

Panda Global shared a statement from Infiltration as well, in which the player claims he did not assault his then-wife, saying that he will explain everything later and that he has withdrawn from the Capcom Pro Tour for the 2018 and 2019 period.

Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition
Photo: Capcom

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