Under E3-mässan haffade vi Dant Rambo från Choice Provisions för att prata om Commander Videos återkomst i Runner 3. Där medverkar bland annat Marios röstskådespelare Charles Martinet och det finns även fordon att begagna. Rambo sade såhär om sistnämnda:
"We tried to make [Runner 3] the wackiest game we possibly could. When we first put them in the game we had discussions about whether we wanted to keep them in because there is still the auto-runner aspect [...] The vehicles continue to go, they're on a chord and you're just controlling the up and down and the dodging and stuff like that.
But to me it makes it feel more like a romp, it [...] breaks up the gameplay in some interesting ways. Like there's a part with a minecart where you just start circling around this titan that's just staring at you as you go, and it just feels like a more theatrical experience."
Som du kanske vet är Runner 3 konsolexklusivt till Switch (åtminstone tills vidare), men kommer även till PC i år. Kolla in intervjun här nedan.