Godzilla-Gareth har sedan regiarbetet med den enskilt bästa Star Wars-film som Disney släppt ifrån sig (Rogue One) varit tyst som muren, fram till då han dök upp med trailern för den kommande scifi-dystopin The Creator som behandlar AI som ämne och eventuell hotbild. I samband med pressturnén för den rullen har Gareth nu för första gången pratat öppet om varför han valde att ta en flera år lång paus från filmskapandet efter upplevelserna med Disney och Star Wars.
"I needed to get off the merry-go-round, do you know what I mean? In Hollywood, you can get stuck on the hamster wheel, or whatever analogy you want to use. I just wanted to get off and have a break to take some time thinking about the next thing.
I got to make a very low-budget science fiction film with Monsters, and I realized there were some serious advantages to having no money. It was kind of a shock to have all the money you could ever want, and still be limited. I felt like if I could somehow get that big bag of cash and send it back in time to me when I was making Monsters, the possibilities would have been infinite. And so, in a weird way, I was trying to find that kind of scenario again. I was as much interested in the process of how to make the film as I was the idea."
Hur taggad är du på kommande The Creator?