Gillen tog sig en rejäl pratstund med executive producer Phillip Ring från TT Games för att få veta mer om Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham, DC-hjältar som förvandlar sig, hur utvecklingen gått samt tog tillfället i akt att propagera för en DC vs Marvel-titel med Lego-tema.
"There were some things where we were going 'you know what? we should have added this last time' we added this this time and really bring it to life and really kind of bring these characters to kind of feeling different. So when we've got people like Shazam and at a button press you can instantly, he shouts the magic word and turns into Billy Batson. Stuff like that's really cool.
And we love the reaction when people get to play the games and they almost find them out of secret. So you're running around as Superman and boom he turns into Clark Kent so he flies off and Clark Kent arrives and then you're like 'haha, that's really funny' and to turn him back you press it again and a phone box appears, Clark Kent jumps in, Superman jumps out. From an abilities point of view, yeah it gives you the ability to switch between two characters, but it's really there for kind of secrets and fun for people to explore."
Med 150 spelbara figurer finns gott om nöje för DC-fansen, det är i synnerhet en av dem som helt stulit showen - Adam West. Ring berättar:
"You get to see Adam West in his suit being very Adam West, but then we also get to do 1960's Batman. So we've got 1960's content in the game and that was something that we kind of toyed with in the past and thought this is the perfect time to do it. We think it'll be a great addition. The 1960's level you get to play, there's the 60's batmobile, it's all narrated by Adam West."
Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham släpps till praktiskt taget allt man kan spela spel på den 14 november.