Civilization: Beyond Earth

GRTV: Vi pratar story i Civ: Beyond Earth

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Vi haffade co-lead designer Will Miller och senior producer Dennis Shirk för att få veta mer om det kommande scifi-strategispelet Civilization: Beyond Earth. Bland annat tog vi upp storyn som är lite annorlunda i detta spel mot tidigare Civilization:

"We're creating narrative this time. Obviously we have a completely clean slate. We don't have to worry about historic context. So through the quest system that holds little tidbits of story to help you go along. The victories all have a story lined quest system that you go through to achieve victory. Each of these sponsors, each of these people, they all have these unique histories written for all of them. Every unit. Every building. Every wonder. So it all contributes to this unique story that you're going to go through every time you play the game."

Vi försökte också luska ut om vi kan hopas på några påskägg med Xcom-tema, men utvecklarna bara log och vägrade kommentera... Hmmm... Hur tolkar vi detta?

Kolla in intervju här nedan.


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