Killzone 3 är hutlöst snyggt och belönades med grafikbetyget 9 av 10 i vår utförliga recension. Men trots det finns det mer att hämta enligt Guerrilla i en intervju med Industry Gamers.
"At the end of every project, we say, 'we've maxed it out.' I made that mistake at the end of Killzone 2. We felt that we'd pushed it absolutely to the max. We now know from experience there's always more mileage in the tech. You can always find new techniques.", säger Guerrillas managing director Hermen Hulst.
"For example, in Killzone 2, we introduced anti-aliasing to get rid of the jagged edges. We're using that, but an improved version that is much more efficient, so we actually leave space for more detail, bigger environments and more polygons. Compared to Killzone 2, Killzone 3's polygon count is three times as high, so we've been able to find new space, probably averaging out to 40 percent.", fortsätter Hulst.
Därmed kan vi förmodligen räkna med ett ännu snyggare Killzone 4, ett spel Guerrilla snackade om så sent som för bara en månad sedan.