Hideo Kojimas namn kommer naturligtvis flyga över skärmen många gånger under introsekvensen i det kommande Metal Gear Solid Δ: Snake Eater, detta eftersom han var det ursprungliga spelets skapare, manusförfattare med mera.
Däremot kommer det inte stå "A Hideo Kojima Game", vilket seriens producent Noriaki Okamura förklarar i en ny video. Han säger att det beror på följande:
"You might notice that a lot of Metal Gear titles start with the line, 'A Hideo Kojima Game', but in Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater, you'll see it says 'Based on Metal Gear Solid 3' instead. I just want to take a moment to make sure everyone understands why that is. It's always been the case that games Mr. Kojima didn't personally direct don't have 'A Hideo Kojima Game'. So, for instance, I directed a few Metal Gear titles, like Portable Ops or the Digital Graphic Novel, so neither of those open with that line. The same with Ghost Babel, which was handled by another producer. So, for Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater, we decided that it just made sense to follow that precedent."
Det ska tilläggas att studion, och Okamura, funderat mycket på hur de på ett respektfullt sätt hanterar krediteringen av originalteamet:
"The development team had a lot of internal discussion about how exactly we should do the credits, but we settled on one thing right away... we weren't changing the names, so it was always going to be the original staff, not the current team. From there, we had to say, okay, so how do we do it? We thought about just leaving in the original credits from Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, but we also had to try and consider how members of the original staff might view it. For instance, if we had changed the credits, would they be hurt they weren't included? And on the other hand, some would probably think, 'why are they crediting me when I didn't work on it?' So we decided that the way to handle it would be to credit people as 'Original Programmer', 'Original so-and-so'. Listing their titles like that seemed best."