Mac Walters är en gammal Bioware-veteran som bland annat skrev manuset till Mass Effect och Mass Effect 2 som nu meddelar att han startat ny studio i Vancouver. Worlds Untold heter den och med ett relativt tight team ska Mac nu med finansiering via kinesiska Netease bygga storydrivna storspel med premiumkänsla.
Mac Walters via det officiella pressmeddelandet:
"We're creating incredible and meaningful stories that we believe are best told and experienced through play. We are starting by crafting worlds that we all dream of discovering and then will put the player in the leading role of the most unforgettable adventures. The team at NetEase Games shares our vision and passion to utilize leading edge technology to create the best possible new games. Their teams' support and creative freedom affords us the opportunity to deliver on that vision."
Kan vi hoppas på storydrivet rymdäventyrande, tro?