Dead Rising 2

Massor av Dead Rising 2-DLC

Möt sport- och ninja-Chuck

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Capcom lät nyss utannonsera en hel radda Dead Rising 2-expansioner som ska släppas de närmnaste veckorna. Var och en ger Dead Rising 2 nya funktioner och tillägg. Exempelvis finns sportpaketet som gör att Chuck kan slå hårdare med relaterade tillhyggen som tennisracketar och slalomskidor, och ninje-kitet som gör att zombierna inte lika lätt hittar Chuck som dessutom plötsligt blir bättre på att kasta saker.

Här nedan finns listan över samtliga miniexpansioner, deras funktioner och när de kommer...

Psychopath Theme Pack: Available from October 12 (XBLA) and October 13 (PSN)
Psycho Chuck will be a zombie's worst nightmare as his new "insane" look will make him more difficult to kill and give him a host of gruesome weapons including chainsaws, cleavers, axes and more. Zombies won't stand a chance!

Soldier of Fortune Theme Pack: Available from October 19 (XBLA) and October 20 (PSN)
With the soldier costume, you can "Rambo out" with double ammo, increased shooting accuracy, more firepower and headshot accuracy increased. Chuck will also have a new special attack when using automatic weapons, spraying zombies with a hail of bullets.

Sports Theme Pack: Available from October 26 (XBLA) and October 27 (PSN)
For all you sports fans out there, this pack's for you. Chuck's damage will increase with sports-themed weapons. The new sports weapons (golf balls, basketballs, etc.) bounce more before stopping, allowing you to hit more zombies. Chuck also has a new charge/tackle attack for taking zombies down in the ultimate blitz! With the Sports Theme Pack, Chuck will also earn more from gambling, gain more health while eating and drinking (especially alcoholic drinks) and not get sick from drinking too much...

Ninja Theme Pack: Available from November 2 (XBLA) and November 3 (PSN)
Ninja Chuck will have a new "stealth mode" where the zombies have to be much closer to him to detect his presence. This gives Chuck the upper hand as he is harder to grab and be taken down by hoards of the undead. Chuck's damage is increased with sword-type weapons (broadswords, katanas, etc.) that have new special attacks. Stackable items and throwing items (nails, plates, gems, etc.) will also do more damage and Chuck's throwing speed is increased.

Dead Rising 2
Den 26:e oktober kommer Chuck kunna förbättra sin sving för fler krossade zombie-skallar och högre homerun-chans.

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