
Inte alla Scorpio-spel körs i 4K/60fps, beror på utvecklaren

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Även om Microsoft inte har gett oss en fullständig presentation av vad Project Scorpio kommer vara vet vi att det är en ny Microsoft-konsol som kommer vara kapabel till att visa 4K-upplösning native. Vi förväntar oss att deras egna titlar kommer köras i den upplösningen på Scorpio men det betyder inte att alla spel kommer göra det.

I en intervju med The Inner Circle förklarar Microsofts Albert Penello att 4K/60fps-standarden ligger inom deras egna målsättningar och att samma inte kommer att forceras på andra utvecklare. De kommer kunna ta vara på den extra kraften i hårdvaran hur de än vill, så det är möjligt att vi får se spel som körs i 1080p med alla grafiska inställningar på högsta, exempelvis.

"You have to have a goal. When you decide to do a piece of technology...when you want to launch, how much do you want it to cost...and there are all these decisions. At some point you have to say that this is what we want to do. So Phil kind of teased this up...we didn't...and this is not a slam on anybody...we didn't want to take a half step. Phil used to run studios and he is got all this studio guys and all these technology guys and he said if we are going to do this we need to make sure that we make a technology goal for ourselves."

"So the goal was can we take the same level of graphics, the same frame rate, the same lighting effects, same number of enemies and AI on screen and deliver that in 4K. No compromises. I don't have to half the number of enemies on screen, I don't have to reduce the effects, I don't have to make the game smaller. I should be able to take an Xbox One game today that is in 1080p and 60fps and I want to do 4K/60fps on this new box. And we built the box to deliver that goal. So we know the box will do what we want it to do."

"I think people get confused and say our messaging is weird. Not every developer is going to use it that way. Not every developer is going to decide to take that 6TFLOPs and do 4K/60fps with it. They might decide for their game, their engine that they want to do something different and that's fine. But our goal is to build a box that deliver true 4K games at the same level of fidelity that you see on your current Xbox One games. That is the box we are building. We know we can do it. We wouldn't have went out and said it if we didn't think we could do it. We have a lot of work ahead to do it but that is our goal."

"I am not saying every game will be 4K/60fps but developers may not choose to do that."

Är 4K något du kommer vilja ha eller räcker det med 1080p och fetare grafik?

Inte alla Scorpio-spel körs i 4K/60fps, beror på utvecklaren

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