
Sony-chef tycker till om Nintendo och Xbox One X

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Playstation 4 säljer som tåget och konsolen har redan seglat förbi 60 miljoner enheter och de har en bastant marknadsandel, i synnerhet i Europa. Men konkurrensen skruvas nu upp med både Switch och Xbox One X. Vi frågade Sonys global sales/marketing-chef Jim Ryan om detta under E3 förra veckan, där han sade:

"First of all. I think in many ways this sort of increased presence in the space is a good thing. It creates conversation, it creates excitement, and certainly having a rejuvenated and energetic Nintendo back, I think it's a great thing for the industry.

I think our industry is better and stronger when Nintendo is strong [...] I really believe that."

Ryan hade även snälla saker att säga om Microsoft, men var mer skeptisk till prislappen på deras nya konsol:

"Xbox One X, you know, we'll see. We will have been in the market for a year with PS4 Pro, and that thing also is selling faster than we can make them. One in five of all PS4s sold since we've introduced Pro has been a Pro, so we're really happy with that. They will come in November of this year, their price is high, 500 euros compared to a Pro at 399, you know history... we'll see. I'm sure it's a fine product and you know they've obviously done their sums and made their decisions with great care. History tells us when they're at a 100 euro price disadvantage, that it's not easy for them, particularly in Europe, so we'll see.

They're working hard and they're doing some good things, they're doing many good things, but we've been in Europe for a long, long time now, and we take Europe very, very seriously. You know whether - we've had this conversation before - whether it's localisation, local presence, all of these things, we believe in Europe profoundly, and we won't let anybody easily, readily encroach on our space."

Tror du Ryan har rätt i att ett starkt Nintendo är bra för spelvärlden och att det blir väldigt svårt att rucka på Sonys europeiska dominans?

Sony-chef tycker till om Nintendo och Xbox One X

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