
Winter Soldier ansluter sig till Avengers 4

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Vi kommer inte få se alla hjältar i Avengers: Infinity War. Såvida ingen stupar i filmen kan vi däremot räkna med att alla kommer vara med i Avengers 4. Captain Marvel kommer exempelvis inte ansluta sig till hjältarna förrän i fjärde filmen och nyligen avslöjade Sebastian Stan (Bucky Barnes) att han är med i Avengers 4. I slutet av Captain America: Civil War såg vi honom bli nedsövd och förvarad i Wakanda. Det återstår att se om vi ser honom innan kriget mot Thanos.

Sebastian Stan:
''I still haven't read a script for this next one. For this fourth one. All I know is I'm going down there in October, and that's all I know. I still actually haven't read a script for the last one. [laughs] All I knew was what I was involved in, and I was kept on a very 'need to know' basis. Maybe that's the norm. But it's a family system. There's a trust, and there's a sense of knowledge between the writers and the directors, with Kevin [Feige]... that shows up.''

Vid frågan om han oroar sig för karaktären och vad som kommer hända honom svarade skådespelaren så här:

I don't worry about the character. No matter what they decide, they're going to do the right thing. ... I have ownership over the character, but it's not up to me do decide what happens. But you know, those guys are going to take it to another level. That's just what they are going to do. And it's a culmination of so many things up until this point, which is why they can.

Winter Soldier ansluter sig till Avengers 4

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