Star Wars Battlefront II

Såhär fungerar hjältekaraktärerna i Battlefront II

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Vi träffade nyligen executive producer Matt Webster som jobbar på Star Wars Battlefront II, och passade då på att ställa frågor om Hero-systemet i tvåan. Här är vad han hade att säga om det som ändrats:

"We've changed it from the first game. So in the first game you used to pick up the blue tokens, which was great and it was really accessible, but what we found is that people would camp around, they would begin to learn where they would drop, and they would camp around, and so becoming a hero was more of an experience for the lucky few. So we wanted to really allow as many people as possible [...] the system's now been changed so everything you do in the game, and this is throughout all of the multiplayer, everything that you do in the game is earning you battle points, and then as you accumulate your battle points, once you get to particular thresholds you can then use them to enter the game as one of our special characters and hero characters, troopers, or one of the hero starfighters that we have in Starfighter Assault. So what we think that will do is actually make it much more straightforward and give more people more opportunity to experience those moments."

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Star Wars Battlefront II
Dart Lingonsylt® hade det jobbigt med ansiktsutyslag samt ljusbruna kraniumvårtor.

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