
Adam Driver pratar lite mer om Kylo Rens hat

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I det senaste numret av amerikanska filmblaskan Entertainment Weekly har de lyckats säkra en exklusivitet som med största sannolikhet lär driva konkurrenter som Empire och Total Film fullständigt vansinniga. För EW-teamet har fått en fenomenalt intressant inblick i skapandet av kommande Star Wars: The Last Jedi och bjuder i det nya tema-numret på massor av godis i form av intervjuer med i stort sett hela skådespelar-gänget. Under ett snack med Adam Driver om hans skurk-yngling Kylo Ren framkommer det en hel del smarrig fakta om karaktären.

"I think the idea of someone whose parents are very much devoted to the cause, that's something a lot of people could relate to, whether it be religion or politics or a business,. Not identifying with that cause yourself, I think can give someone a complex. Looking around and not seeing yourself and not identifying with what's around you, I think, affects how we behave." Länk

Fakta om Kylo Ren:
"Ben Solo, was born in Hanna City, Chandrila on the day that the Galactic Concordance was signed between the New Republic and the Galactic Empire; formally ending the Galactic Civil War. This day was roughly one year after the Battle of Endor, in which his parents, Princess Leia Organa and General Han Solo, led the Alliance to Restore the Republic in a decisive victory over the Empire. Their victory resulted in the deaths of the Emperor, Darth Sidious, and Organa's biological father, the Sith Lord Darth Vader.

While he was still in his mother's womb, Leia could feel him through the Force. She likened him to a living band of light that sometimes dimmed and was sometimes thrust through with a vein of darkness. Following his birth, there were contradictory rumors that Ben's birth took three days. Another tale claimed that it was a fast and painless birth. There were also rumors that Ben was born with a shock of black hair and a full set of teeth. Though Han lacked the same Force bond that Leia had with her son, he comforted himself with the fact that he had a fatherly bond with Ben.

Ben Solo's namesake was that of the late Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, who went by the name of Ben Kenobi while in exile on Tatooine after the fall of the Jedi Order. In his youth, Ben's parents had active lives in their respective professions. Han Solo, a smuggler before joining the Rebellion, was unable to stay in one place for long. Ben Solo inherited amazing piloting skills from him. Organa, meanwhile, became a respected senator in the New Republic, the government that arose after the Battle of Endor and that had served the Empire a final defeat during the Battle of Jakku around the time of Ben's birth. Organa and Solo's natures clashed, and their busy lives left Ben with feelings of abandonment."

The Last Jedi går upp på bio den 15:e december.

Adam Driver pratar lite mer om Kylo Rens hat
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