
Jeff Kaplan vill gärna göra en Overwatch-film

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Nyligen fick vi chansen att snacka med game director Jeff Kaplan i samband med Fun & Serious-eventet i spanska Bilbao. Bland alla ämnen som dök upp, fanns frågan om en Overwatch-film, eller en TV-serie. Och det visade sig vara något han hoppades på:

"We would really love to make something like a feature film or an episodic series. These are things that we're very, very interested in. At Blizzard, we're extremely lucky on the Overwatch team that we get a partner with a group at Blizzard called story and franchise development. And that group is creatively lead by Jeff Chamberlain, who was the gentleman who directed the animated short that announced Overwatch, the moment with the two kids in the museum. And Jeff and his crew are the best partners we possibly ask for, and they are always pushing us to explore the other mediums to tell the story of Overwatch and they partner very closely with us. We make the animated shorts together, we make the comics together and so we are constantly talking about what other things could we be doing. We know we can not do a lot of linear narrative within the game itself, it's a 6v6 PVP game, so we are very open-minded to exploring other areas."

Han fortsatte med att berätta att det inte får ske till vilket pris som helst dock. Det måste hålla Blizzard-standard:

"Now, on the flip side, we are also very protective and Jeff along with us is very protective of Overwatch and we think of it as our baby. And we would never want to do anything that didn't live up to the expectations of our fans. So, while we are super excited to explore other opportunities we are also very, very picky and very controlling when it comes to the franchise."

Tror du att en Overwatch-film hade kunnat bli bra?


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