
Ingen billigare PS Vita i år

Sony siktar in sig på bundles istället

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Sony kommer inte att sänka priset på PS Vita under 2012, berättar CVG. Worldwide Studios-chefen Shuhei Yoshida säger att det är för tidigt:

"No. It's too early. Of course, cost reduction is one area our engineering team is working on. But we just launched the platform earlier this year. It takes time to do so."

Istället ska man sikta in sig på prisvärda erbjudanden i form av bundles:

"At a certain point in the future we would like to address the pricing issue for some of the people who are waiting. But this year we are trying to add value by creating different types of bundles. We announced we will provide Little Big Planet Vita bundle pack. That's affordable for people who are looking for a good deal."

Ingen billigare PS Vita i år

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