
Aquaman har nu dragit in nio miljarder (!) kronor

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Det finns sannerligen inte särskilt många filmer (genom filmhistorien) som kammat hem en miljard dollar på bio. Och nu har DC/Warners senaste superhjälterulle Aquaman anslutit sig till denna digra lista av übersuccéer. James Wans spandex-präglade undervattensmatiné nådde "nio-miljarder-strecket" i helgen och är därmed DC.s överlägset största rulle, internationellt (totalt sett). Räkna med 22 000 uppföljare, med andra ord. Såhär skrev Wan via twitter för att tacka fansen:

"A few things to say... Firstly, this movie wouldn't be what it is without the astonishing achievement of everyone involved, from the head of departments to every single crew member, who demanded upmost excellence in helping design and create this cinematic experience. Secondly, I'll forever be indebted to Jason for turning Aquaman into one of the coolest, cinematic superheroes ever, and becoming the gold standard for this character for generations to come. Huge THANK YOU to my amazing cast — Amber, Patrick (my rabbit foot), Nicole, Yahya, Willem, Temuera, Dolph, Ludi, Michael — for breathing life and wonder into our beloved characters. Finally, but most importantly — massive LOVE and THANK YOU to the fans and audiences around the world. Humbled by the way you've embraced Aquaman, and how it has resonated on a global scale."

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Aquaman har nu dragit in nio miljarder (!) kronor
"One hunnndred billion dullarz!"

</em> Tack, Forbes

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