
Kritikerna föredrar Shazam framför Captain Marvel

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Nästa vecka går DC:s nya film Shazam! upp på biograferna. En film som på förhand beskrivits som en uppiggande och rolig film med mycket hjärta. Med andra ord kommer den inte vara särskilt mörk som många andra filmer från DC, men samtidigt går det väl ihop med karaktären. Kritikerna har nu sagt sitt och enligt dem ska filmen mycket riktigt vara en rolig och härlig sådan som med enkelhet klår Marvels senaste rulle. Här är ett par utdrag:

The Hollywood Reporter:
Proves so determinedly ebullient you begin to think they're pumping laughing gas into the auditorium. The most kid-friendly DC movie so far, the film is thoroughly entertaining. 9/10

A light, funny, grounded, engagingly unpretentious sleight-of-hand action comedy. 9/10

Shazam! is a lot of fun and it further proves how, in the wake of the success of Wonder Woman and Aquaman, DC's movie future is indeed bright. Zachary Levi was born to play this superpowered man-child, delivering lots of laughs alongside sarcastic but amiable co-star Jack Dylan Grazer. 8.8/10

After Shazam! ended I said out loud, "What a fun time at the movies." You know, isn't that all we need sometimes? A reason to leave the house and also not regret leaving the house? That is a tough combination to pull off...It's just one of those movies that feels like a communal event. In the end, it's about family. It's just a nice movie to watch with other human beings. 8/10

The hardest power to depict onscreen is the wisdom of Solomon, but Shazam! makes clever decisions, mixing middle school snark with disarming sweetness. And — yes — it delivers the requisite lightning-strike punch-'em-ups with considerable force. 8/10

The Wrap:
This new DC entry has a lovely lightness, both in the visuals and in its tone. 8/10

Entertainment Weekly:
Shazam! is basically two movies in one. One with Levi and his wiseass foster brother (a fresh Jack Dylan Grazer), the other with Strong and all his snarling, computer-generated gobbledygook. And they both have the other in a headlock, wrestling for the soul of the story. I loved one, yawned through the other. 7.5/10

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Kritikerna föredrar Shazam framför Captain Marvel
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