
Xbox-chefen Matt Booty berättar om Xbox Scarlett och Nintendo-samarbetet

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Microsoft hade mycket intressant att berätta under årets E3 såsom uppköpet av Double Fine, flera förstapartspel, en evolution av tjänsterna samt såklart framför allt Project Scarlett. När vi fick chansen att snacka närmare med Xbox Game Studios-chefen Matt Booty, var det framför allt sistnämnda vi var nyfiken på. och han sade bland annat:

"We want to make sure that a new game like Halo Infinite looks best, plays best on Project Scarlett, but we also want to make sure that our games run up and down the Xbox One family. So there will be, sort of similar to what you might do with a PC, the game is going to need to know on which device it's running and will need to take advantage of the power that's there."

Booty poängterar också att utvecklare idag är vana vid att göra spel till både svagare dsatorer och bättre, något de kommer ha nytta av till Xbox One och Scarlett:

"We have the advantage of being Xbox Game Studios. We get to work very closely with the people that make the hardware for Project Scarlett. We know what is in there, we know how to get the most [out] of it, we can just walk across the street to talk to the people that are working on the actual hardware.

Same as with Windows. We have access to the people working on DirectX, the people working on a lot of new Xbox features that we've added to Windows 10. So there is definitely an advantage there, but again, we want there to be choice. We want it to work across the family of Xbox One devices, but play best on Scarlett."

En annan intressant grej Booty tog upp var Microsofts uppmärksammade samarbete med Nintendo, något vi inte sett maken till tidigare mellan konsoltillverkare i spelvärlden. Han sade:

"Nintendo's a great partner, they've been great helping us get Minecraft onto the Switch. We also have been able to bring Xbox Live over to the Switch. And the version of Minecraft that's on a Switch is the same one that runs on an Xbox, it is literally the same code base. So that's very important to us, we don't want there to be islands of the game that are lower quality or play differently.

Nintendo is a big company. Microsoft is a big company. There will be places where we cooperate, I think there will be places where we compete. In the case of Nintendo, I think it's a very friendly competition. There's places they're very good - they've got some amazing assets, amazing IP, amazing characters. I think that we've got some strength in terms of platform services and things."

Du hittar hela den matiga intervjun (som även går igenom bakåtkompatibiliteten till Xbox Scarlett med spel och tillbehör) här nedan. Missa inte, för sjutton gubbar!


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