
Tim Miller hoppade av Deadpool 2 på grund av Ryan Reynolds

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Deadpool blev ju som sagt en gigantisk succé på bio världen över, men när tvåan kom på tal valde regissören Tim Miller att hoppa av projektet. Nu tydliggör Terminator: Dark Fate-regissören varför i en KCWR:s The Business-podcast, där han förklarar att Ryan Reynolds ville ha mer kontroll över franchisen:

"It became clear that Ryan wanted to be in control of the franchise. You can work that way as a director, quite successfully, but I can't. I don't mind having a debate, but if I can't win, I don't want to play. And I don't think you can negotiate every creative decision, there's too many to make. So Ryan's the face of the franchise, and he was the most important component of that, by far. So if he decides he wants to control it, then he's going to control it."

Han tillade att han inte är så bitter över sitt beslut:

"I've always been pretty good at the 'moving on' thing. I care deeply, and then you get to this point where you've gotta make a decision, and I'm pretty good about putting it in my rearview mirror. We had a meeting at Fox, and the writing was on the wall, so I said, 'I get it. I'll quit, and you guys can do what you need to do.'"

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Tim Miller hoppade av Deadpool 2 på grund av Ryan Reynolds

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