
J.J. Abrams talar ut om kritiken mot The Last Jedi

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Premiären av den nya Star Wars-episoden är mycket nära nu och många fans hoppas på ännu ett lyckat Star Wars-kapitel, medan andra fans helt har tappat intresset för franchisen på grund av Disneys hantering av varumärket. Den negativa stämningen har nog inte undgått någon de senaste åren sedan The Last Jedi blev nådastöten och nu har regissören kommenterat fenomenet via en intervju med Esquire:

"I think that the bigger question is: How has everything changed? The reaction to Star Wars, the increased attacks, the increased negativity, the Fandom Menace as they call it, you know, that is not unique to Star Wars, obviously. And I think we live in a time where if you're not being divisive, if you're not creating something that's aversive quick-bait, sometimes you don't quite feel like you're playing the game. I always loved Star Wars because it's got a huge heart. Did I always believe in and agree with every single thing that happened in every movie, whether it was the prequels or the original trilogy? No. But do I love Star Wars? Yes. So, for me, I hope -- and I'm sure naively -- we can return to a time where we give things a bit more latitude. We don't have to agree with every single thing to love something. I don't know anyone who has a spouse or a partner or any family member or any friend, who loves and agrees with every single thing that that person is and does. We have to return, I think, to nuance and acceptance. And so I feel like, as a Star Wars fan, do I love every single thing about each of the movies? No. But do I love Star Wars? Hell yes, I do."

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J.J. Abrams talar ut om kritiken mot The Last Jedi
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