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      Reggie Fils-Aimé stoppade Nintendo från att ändra sin logo

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      Reggie Fils-Aimé blev känd som den förmodligen mest omtyckte Nintendo of America-chefen någonsin och fick en väldig påverkan på företaget. I en intervju hos Present Value Podcast, berättar han nu en anekdot om hur företaget ville byta ut sin klassiska logotyp. Han sade:

      "From a branding standpoint, we had to be clear in what Nintendo as a brand stood for, as well as what the individual franchises stood for.

      When I joined Nintendo, there was a sense of almost shame that Nintendo appealed to young consumers, and the marketing team at Nintendo of America started doing things with the logo - that classic Nintendo logo in an oval - they would put it into graffiti style, or they'd do different things to try and age up the logo, and I put a stop to that because that is not our brand. And what we needed to do was yes, appeal to a broad swath of consumers, but we needed to do it based on what the brand stood for, and not doing it in some false way.

      Systemically, we went through and cleaned up the presentation of the brand, but we also created messaging coupled with content that really broadened the reach, broadened the appeal, and set the stage for all of the great products we would launch like Wii, like Wii Fit, and eventually the Nintendo Switch."

      Fils-Aimé kom att bli en framstående personlighet hos Nintendo och fick ofta vara den som presenterade företagets nyheter, ofta med en humoristisk touch (vem minns inte hans 'my body is ready'-kommentar från Wii Fit-demonstrationen?). För snart ett år sedan avgick han dock, men fortsätter att ha kontakt med spelvärlden främst via Twitter.

      Tycker du Nintendo borde ändra sin logo?

      Reggie Fils-Aimé stoppade Nintendo från att ändra sin logo

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