Microsoft Flight Simulator

Phil Spencer: Microsoft Flight Simulator hade inte blivit verklighet utan Game Pass

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Härom veckan kunde vi berätta att Todd Howard från Bethesda gillade idén med spelabonnemang, eftersom set gör det möjligt även för smalare titlar att hitta en publik. Nu låter hans blivande chef, Xbox-bossen Phil Spencer, ventilera liknande tankar i en intervju hos The Guardian, där han förklarar att Tell Me Why och Microsoft Flight Simulator nog aldrig hade fått grönt ljus utan Xbox Game Pass:

"I honestly don't think we'd greenlight Tell Me Why if not for Game Pass. It's an episodic, story-driven game - you don't see a lot of them getting made. We knew with the 15 million subscribers we have now, that it would get played, and that people would engage in it more than they would if there was a $30 price point in front of it. Even Flight Simulator is a game we would not have green-lit if we did not see Game Pass growing. We had a million players of Battletoads! These are all examples of games that in an exclusively retail model would be more challenged."

Tror du Spencer har rätt, att även sådant som smalare äventyrsspel och flygsimulatorer lättare kan hitta en publik med en prenumerationstjänst som Xbox Game Pass?

Microsoft Flight Simulator

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