Age of Wonders III

Paradox Interactive köper Age of Wonders-utvecklaren

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Svenska Paradox Interactive är kända för spel som Hearts of Iron IV, Pillars of Eternity och Steel Division: Normandy 44. Nu har de blivit ännu större på området efter att ha köpt upp begåvade Triumph Studios, kända för Age of Wonders- och Overlord-serierna.

Triumph Studios grundades 1997 av Lennart Sas och Arno van Wingerden. Det verkar inte vara några större omställningar på gång och "the current team and management will all remain with Triumph Studios. All ongoing projects will remain in development, and will be published by Paradox Interactive."

Paradox Interactive-bossen Fredrik Wester kommenterar detta i pressreleasen med att säga:

"Triumph Studios is a developer of our own heart. They are world-leading within their niche and have built a large and dedicated community over the years, counting quite a few Paradox employees among their hardcore fans. We have great faith in Lennart, Arno and the Triumph team, and our main focus now is to ensure that they can continue to create their magic under new ownership."

Lennart Sas from Triumph Studios added, that "this is a liaison with a partner that can help us grow sustainably by ensuring the stability and continuity needed for us to do more of what we do best - develop some of the best turn-based strategy games on the market today. Paradox is a good match for us both culturally and games-wise. They get it. It's as simple as that, and we are extremely excited about the acquisition."

Age of Wonders III

Tack, Paradox Plaza

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